
A blog for CPCF 1F25

1f25 blog response 1: Media Impact on Others

After reading so many of my classmate’s blogs, I now realize how people’s views on media are impacted in both positive and negative ways.  Everyone is effected differently though just from how they interpret what the media is trying to put across, since everyone see’s things differently.  The one thing everyone does know is that the media is growing quite fast and is becoming a part of our everyday lives.

In Meagan McLeod’s blog she said, “Well here it is, we all rely on technology and media so greatly now that if it was taken away from us tomorrow most of us would not know how to function without it.”(  I can completely agree with this statement as my life does revolve around technology.  I need to rely on technology now because of the field of work I am going into, as I said in my last blog post.  Since media and technology has become a part of everyone’s everyday life, how would we function without it?  I think it would be quite difficult since we depend on media to provide us with so many things like entertainment, knowledge and many more. 

Raven Henry brought to my attention, in her blog, another reason why everyone needs media and is so influenced by it.  In her blog she said, “The media is a huge outlet in my life and I think one of the main reasons is because I grew up on it.” ( Now looking back to my childhood I was introduced to media at a very young age and is probably why it plays such a huge role in my life.  When I was younger I was probably quite influenced by anything I saw on the TV or heard on the radio.  The media tries to target different groups of people, which is why they are so successful.

In Cody McKelvie blog he said at the end, “Mass media has ups and downs but it’s here, and it’s here to stay. Its replacing the need to travel and if used correctly can make any person cultured but it can also be one of the most demolishing weapons in the world.” (  I know that this is quite true since media has grown so much, and because it has grown so much we are not able to just remove it from our lives.  Also it is scary to think about the way media is used and abused.  Since the media is so easy to get access of know these days, anyone can post anything they want on the internet.  Not everything on the internet is good though and that’s why it is such a dangerous tool.  Most people do use media properly but there are people out there that will do anything to hurt someone.  People don’t necessarily need to physically hurt someone, all they have to do is post something on Facebook to hurt someone.  Recently cyber bullying has become a huge situation as kids are taking their own lives because of the things people are saying about them online.  If kids are able to cause this then imagine what adults could do if they wanted to hurt someone. 

The media can affect people in so many ways, and that’s why it is so hard to know if media is good or bad.  My classmates all have their different opinions on the media but in the end we all know we need the media since it has become a part of our lives.  We just need to be able to tell from what’s right and what’s wrong from the media.      

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This entry was posted on October 3, 2013 by .